U2r g3p r4s

T1e f7g i0s a-1a l2t o0f u2r g4s d5d o0n t2s w2i, w2h t3r a8d a4s r4s. T3e m1y b0e a8l i9n a3t i8l r4s.


  • G5d r3t
  • R5d r3t
  • C4e d8n p3s (createtalk)
  • C4e n1w u2r a6s (createaccount)
  • C4e p3s (w3h a1e n1t d8n p3s) (createpage)
  • E2t p3s (edit)
  • E2t y2r o1n p5e d2a (e-1e.g-1g. e3l a5s, r2l n2e) (editmyprivateinfo)
  • E2t y2r o1n p9s (editmyoptions)
  • E2t y2r o1n w7t. N2e s2e a5s w2l s3l a1d p3s e2n w5t t2s r3t. (editmywatchlist)
  • R2d p3s (read)
  • U1e o0f t1e w3e A1I (writeapi)
  • V2w y2r o1n p5e d2a (e-1e.g-1g. e3l a5s, r2l n2e) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • V2w y2r o1n w7t (viewmywatchlist)
A11d u3s
  • E2t p3s p7d a0s "A3w o2y a11d u3s" (editsemiprotected)
  • N1t b0e a6d b0y I0P-b3d r2e l4s (autoconfirmed)
  • Reset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again (transcode-reset)
  • View information about the current transcode activity (transcode-status)
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • B0e t5d a0s a0n a7d p5s (bot)
  • E2t p3s p7d a0s "A3w o2y a11d u3s" (editsemiprotected)
  • H2e o1e's-1s o1n e3s a11y m4d a0s p7d (autopatrol)
  • N1t b0e a6d b0y I0P-b3d r2e l4s (autoconfirmed)
  • N1t c4e r7s f2m s4e p3s w2n m4g p3s (suppressredirect)
  • N1t h2e m3r e3s t0o d8n p3s t5r t1e n1w m6s p4t (nominornewtalk)
  • Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
  • U1e h4r l4s i0n A1I q5s (apihighlimits)
  • U1e o0f t1e w3e A1I (writeapi)
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • E2t a1l u2r r4s (userrights)
  • Merge users (usermerge)
  • N1t b0e a6d b0y r2e l4s (noratelimit)
  • Rename users (renameuser)
Check users
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • Check users' IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
I7e a12s
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • E2t o3r u3s' C1S f3s (editusercss)
  • E2t o3r u3s' J2N f3s (edituserjson)
  • E2t o3r u3s' J8t f3s (edituserjs)
  • E2t s6e C1S (editsitecss)
  • E2t s6e J2N (editsitejson)
  • E2t s6e J8t (editsitejs)
  • E2t t1e u2r i7e (editinterface)
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • B3k a-1a u6e, h4g i0t f2m t1e p4c (hideuser)
  • D4e a1d u6e s6c l1g e5s (deletelogentry)
  • D4e a1d u6e s6c r7s o0f p3s (deleterevision)
  • V2w p5e l2s (suppressionlog)
  • V2w r7s h4n f2m a1y u2r (viewsuppressed)
  • V2w, h2e a1d u4e s6c r7s o0f p3s f2m a1y u2r (suppressrevision)
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • A4s t0o l1g o0f t1o-f4r a12n c5s (oathauth-view-log)
  • B3k a-1a u2r f2m s5g e3l (blockemail)
  • B3k o3r u3s f2m e5g (block)
  • B4s I0P b4s, a2o-b4s a1d r3e b4s (ipblock-exempt)
  • C4e a1d (d0e)a6e t2s (managechangetags)
  • C4e n1w u2r a6s (createaccount)
  • C4e p8n l4s a1d e2t c5e-p7d p3s (protect)
  • Check users' IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
  • D4e t2s f2m t1e d6e (deletechangetags)
  • D4e p3s (delete)
  • D4e p3s w2h l3e h7s (bigdelete)
  • D5e t1o-f4r a12n f1r a-1a u2r (oathauth-disable-for-user)
  • E2t o3r u3s' J2N f3s (edituserjson)
  • E2t p3s p7d a0s "A3w o2y a11d u3s" (editsemiprotected)
  • E2t p3s p7d a0s "A3w o2y a12s" (editprotected)
  • E2t s6e J2N (editsitejson)
  • E2t t1e u2r i7e (editinterface)
  • Edit interwiki data (interwiki)
  • H2e o1e's-1s o1n e3s a11y m4d a0s p7d (autopatrol)
  • I4t p3s f2m a-1a f2e u4d (importupload)
  • I4t p3s f2m o3r w3s (import)
  • M2e c6y p3s (move-categorypages)
  • M2e f3s (movefile)
  • M2e p3s (move)
  • M2e p3s w2h t3r s6s (move-subpages)
  • M2e r2t u2r p3s (move-rootuserpages)
  • M2k o4s' e3s a0s p7d (patrol)
  • M2k r4d-b2k e3s a0s b1t e3s (markbotedits)
  • M3e t1e h5y o0f p3s (mergehistory)
  • Make string replacements on the entire wiki (replacetext)
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)
  • N1t b0e a6d b0y I0P-b3d r2e l4s (autoconfirmed)
  • N1t b0e a6d b0y r2e l4s (noratelimit)
  • N1t c4e r7s f2m s4e p3s w2n m4g p3s (suppressredirect)
  • O6e f3s o0n t1e s4d m3a r8y l5y (reupload-shared)
  • O7e e6g f3s (reupload)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
  • Q5y r6k t1e e3s o0f t1e l2t u2r w1o e4d a-1a p8r p2e (rollback)
  • Reset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again (transcode-reset)
  • S4h d5d p3s (browsearchive)
  • U1e h4r l4s i0n A1I q5s (apihighlimits)
  • U4d f3s (upload)
  • U5k o5f (unblockself)
  • U6e a-1a p2e (undelete)
  • V2w a-1a l2t o0f u7d p3s (unwatchedpages)
  • V2w d5d h5y e5s, w5t t3r a8d t2t (deletedhistory)
  • V2w d5d t2t a1d c5s b5n d5d r7s (deletedtext)
  • V4y w5r a-1a u2r h1s t1o-f4r a12n e5d (oathauth-verify-user)
  • View information about the current transcode activity (transcode-status)
  • View disallowed title list log (titleblacklistlog)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
  • investigate (investigate)
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • A1d a1d r4e a7y t2s o0n i8l r7s a1d l1g e5s (changetags)
  • A3y t2s a3g w2h o1e's-1s c5s (applychangetags)
  • C4e d8n p3s (createtalk)
  • C4e p3s (w3h a1e n1t d8n p3s) (createpage)
  • E2t p3s (edit)
  • E2t t1e c5t m3l o0f a-1a p2e (editcontentmodel)
  • E2t y2r o1n u2r C1S f3s (editmyusercss)
  • E2t y2r o1n u2r J2N f3s (editmyuserjson)
  • E2t y2r o1n u2r J8t f3s (editmyuserjs)
  • E2t y2r o1n u2r J8t f3s t2t a1e r7s (editmyuserjsredirect)
  • E4e t1o-f4r a12n (oathauth-enable)
  • M2e c6y p3s (move-categorypages)
  • M2e f3s (movefile)
  • M2e p3s (move)
  • M2e p3s w2h t3r s6s (move-subpages)
  • M2e r2t u2r p3s (move-rootuserpages)
  • M2k e3s a0s m3r (minoredit)
  • O6e f3s o0n t1e s4d m3a r8y l5y (reupload-shared)
  • O7e e6g f3s (reupload)
  • P3e t1e s2e c3e f1r a-1a p2e (purge)
  • R2d p3s (read)
  • S2d e3l t0o o3r u3s (sendemail)
  • U1e o0f t1e w3e A1I (writeapi)
  • U4d f3s (upload)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
(l2t o0f m5s)
  • B0e t5d a0s a0n a7d p5s (bot)

N7e r10s

N7eR3t(s-1s) a6g u2r t0o e2t
  • E2t t1e u2r i7e (editinterface)
  • Edit gadget JavaScript and CSS pages (gadgets-edit)
Gadget definition
  • Edit gadget definitions (gadgets-definition-edit)